Resource Management

Staffing Solutions for Your Team

We provide flexible staffing solutions that are efficient and effective for any position or department you need to fill.

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What we do

Staffing Services
We will provide marketing or technology experts to work under your direction as dedicated members of your organization.
Divisional Staffing
We can staff an entire team of marketing or technology experts (e.g., digital marketers, application developers) to support divisions within your organization.
Outsourced Recruiting

We will partner with you to handle all recruiting-related processes—from searching job boards to setting pay ranges—to help you find and hire qualified talent.

  • Screening – We conduct initial interviews on your behalf to determine which candidates should be passed along for consideration. 
  • Testing – We review portfolios and work samples and conduct skills exercises to ensure qualification.
Vendor Management
We manage all aspects of the client/supplier relationship within the marketing and technology service areas, from contract management and rates/margins insights to list management and vendor performance reviews.
We will provide marketing or technology experts to work under your direction as dedicated members of your organization.
We can staff an entire team of marketing or technology experts (e.g., digital marketers, application developers) to support divisions within your organization.

We will partner with you to handle all recruiting-related processes—from searching job boards to setting pay ranges—to help you find and hire qualified talent.

  • Screening – We conduct initial interviews on your behalf to determine which candidates should be passed along for consideration. 
  • Testing – We review portfolios and work samples and conduct skills exercises to ensure qualification.
We manage all aspects of the client/supplier relationship within the marketing and technology service areas, from contract management and rates/margins insights to list management and vendor performance reviews.

Why work with us

Trellist offers a flexible set of staffing options to assist your business needs. As a professional services firm that provides marketing and technology services to our clients across multiple industries, we understand our clients' businesses and their unique culture, as well as the type of work needed for our clients and stakeholders, and how to recruit qualified and US-based talent to meet their needs.

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We’d love to have a conversation with you about how Trellist can help you engage your customers and maximize growth. Start by providing us some details in the form below.

To see career opportunities, apply for a job, or submit your resume, visit our Careers section.
